____________Please be aware this is a work in progress, and not necessarily what it will look like when completed. In the meantime, enjoy the ride through the writing process.
Mustafa Kazemi, aka Combat Journo, is without question one of the most intriguing, interesting, and confusing dudes I have ever met and that is saying something. I have always it seems had a penchant for running headlong into the arms/minds/worlds of that kind of dude, lol, oh yes I do. Not intentionally mind you, just happens.
Needless to say this is quite the story, but I want to start near the end first.
SAYED MUSTAFA KAZEMI has virtually single handedly done more to illuminate the part of the Middle East that is his world for his fellow Afghans and the rest of the southern Middle East THAN ANYONE ELSE. He has brought the story of Afghanistan to the West and the West to Afghanistan. At least he has tried his damndest. He has suffered a lot for his efforts as now I have as well (but like NOTHING compared to him), but he has been determined to make a difference for his country and TRUST ME. HE HAS.
He used to share his frustration with me that even young dudes like him incredibly in the 21st century had NO clue of the internet or social media such as Facebook or the rest and he BELIEVED to his toes that this was gonna be THE WAY OUT of the 6th Century (or at least the 19th) for his country.
BOY WAS HE RIGHT. He was prescient beyond what he had any right to be and MILLIONS Of his fellow countrymen present and future will reap the benefits of Mustafa having been the visionary he is. They already have to be honest.
In the last couple of years I have spent GOD KNOWS how many hours in Afghanistan and Pakistan doing everything I can think of to pick up the banner Mustafa raised and go on with it. To educate, inform, and message to the people of the region what lies just outside the door of a country sequestered for way too long. I bring humor and news and opinions and commentary and a whole lot more in order to enlighten, inform, educate, entertain some to be sure, make more enlightened and more informed all those I come into contact with. I bring the West TO Afghanistan (and elsewhere in the Middle East...cause beyond everything else, I want that part of the world to get closer to the rest of us, eliminating fear of us and showing Americans and others to them that we are just people like everyone else, good bad and otherwise. I have my experience in teaching, journalism, and life. I am a published author with several novels in the best-seller column to prove success at it. I can turn a phrase I am told, but I can also turn doubters into believers and skeptics into fans. So they tell me.
As for the language barriers, I have set up an online University and will begin to work with American Universities and philanthropic organizations and foundations to begin teaching Conversational English (and ultimately a full university curriculum or as much as needed) in Afghanistan. (I have already done so with a handful of students). The problem is not so severe elsewhere.
English is the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE in Pakistan, but somehow Afghanistan got left behind. I am hopeful that classes will commence by fall 2021. 'Tis a monumental task to be sure and the Pandemic ain't helping.
I also intend to set up Cultural Exchanges to bring artisans and academics FROM Afghanistan and Pakistan to the US to tour...the goal being to develop interchanges between our two cultures, and also to facilitate more student exchanges. (Soon as the Pandemic subsides and it is possible). We also need more media exchanges and others like my friend Ehsanullah Amiri (formerly of Tolo TV and now with the Wall Street Journal) to engage cross-borders.
The more we can encourage and enable communication between our several countries, the better. Communication will begin to instill mutual appreciation, and then friendship and respect. WE DEFINITELY NEED THAT.
I AM BEGINNING to see Afghan dudes pulling back the curtain a bit and peeking around it. FINALLY I am seeing a few things at least beginning to change... and it STIRS ME WITH HOPE. It is a little so far but I will take whatever I can get, hard fought.
I am also on a MAJOR crusade for FREEDOM & EQUAL/CIVIL RIGHTS FOR THOSE OPPRESSED in the region. Men, Women, LGBT, kids, and trying to be both a resource and a catalyst for already existing groups to prosper. There are a sizeable number of those groups on FB with more all the time.
I have Mustafa to thank for stirring me to get more involved in his world. I have Mustafa to credit for a LOT of things, and I feel PRIVILEGED for having the chance to have met him and know him. Thanks to a mutual friend in California. A fellow newsman. All three of us, Mustafa, Al Boe, and I share a common passion. Journalism. The dissemination of the news and current events. We are also all activists, and I surmise thinkers and forward seekers.
NOBODY does that better than Mustafa.
But, I need now to reverse course once again and go back to the beginning.
I will stop for now but I will be back for more shortly...and wherever you are, Mus, God be with you and know you are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. I SINCERELY BELIEVE that history will show you to be a catalyst for change in the Middle East almost unparalled in modern times and the lesser Gods like me who follow in your footsteps will do so humbly as we see the changes SO NEEDED in the Middle East begin to happen before our eyes. As I continue to work, teach English to Afghans and learn...I am continually reminded that BUT FOR MUSTAFA...the Afghan people would not not be able to peek out from behind the curtain of isolationism and see what is out there and out there for them as much as anyone else.
FOR THEM, and this is really the first time they have had a real chance to venture out. Thank God for the vision of my mate, Mustafa and for all he has done for his country and his people.
MUSTAFA KAZEMI...How we met and what it meant for my future.
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